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đź’» LMS Integrations

PowerNotes integrates with four of the largest Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Want an integration not listed here? Contact us and let us know!

Each integration uses the LTI 1.3 / LTI Advantage industry standards, so implementation is straightforward. Simply use our step-by-step instructions for your specific LMS, and pass us the deployment information that the process generates. We’ll complete setup on the PowerNotes side, and your classrooms will be good to go.

đź“š Library Integrations

Library Search

PowerNotes’ Library Search integration displays search results from your institution’s databases parallel to Google search results. Simply enable the PowerNotes extension, navigate to Google.com, and query your search. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the results pulled from the library’s databases.

Library Search encourages students to use scholarly sources, while not removing them from the “search” habits they default to when investigating new subject matter.


Springshare’s LibChat feature can be linked to your institution’s PowerNotes subscription. With the LibChat integration, students can reach out to the library for research help without having to break away from their workflow or hunt down library contact information.

The Springshare LibChat feature can be found in the extension sidebar, PowerNotes extension menu, and in the Help menu on the PowerNotes website.


If your library creates a LibGuide for PowerNotes, we can link to the LibGuide within the various PowerNotes Help menus. Any user affiliated with your institution will be able to see the LibGuide link in their account. Examples of PowerNotes LibGuides can be found here.

đź“Ś Looking for other Add-ons? Check out our AI features or Insight for academic integrity.

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