In-person (1h15 minute class period)

Prep: Be sure to have at least 3 articles bookmarked, these might be from the Creating Search terms activity.

0:00-0:05 - attendance, settling in


The whole class session should be spent taking notes, asking the AI to do something with those notes, critiquing the output, and adjusting the notes and prompt. You can shift and flow through Steps 1 and 2 in a way that makes sense to you; just remember that the closed prompting in the AI needs info to work from to be most effective.

Step 1.

Be sure that your PowerNotes extension is toggled one; return to one of the 3 bookmarked pieces.

Use PowerNotes to highlight and take notes on what you’re reading together. Remind students that the purpose of reading these articles is to get more information to answer the research question and that they should be forming an argument as you go along, so model this.

Tips & Tricks:

  1. When you highlight something, be sure to put it in the topic that makes the most sense; however, if you need to add a new one - go for it.
  2. As you’re saving the highlight, make sure you take notes that include why you’re highlighting this quote or screenshotting this image. How will it help inform your ability to answer the research question? How does it speak to or against other things you’ve read or know about the subject?

Do this for all 3 articles. The reason for this is you’re next going to use the notes and quotes to ask AI to do something with it, so the more you have to pull from, the better.

Step 2.

Return to the PowerNotes project where you saved all the notes. Click on the Brainstorm with AI box, select one or more checkboxes for the topics you added information to, and type in the prompt:

“Use these notes to write 3 potential thesis statements answering the question “<insert your research question>” for a 100-level college research project.

If you don’t like the ones that it generates, ask the AI Assistant to give you 3-5 more and prompt it with how you’d like it to sound. You could try it without the research question attached.

Tips & Tricks:

  1. Some useful phrases are “with a focus on” and “arguing for”